City Hunter (1993)
Hit and Miss
21 January 2022
This movie is swinging for the fences when it hits it really hits, but when it misses, boy it can get truly cringeworthy. And think twice before watching this with your girl. This movie can get rough with the dated sexist jokes which is primarly owed to the manga it's based off.

The wacky japanese tone of humor doesn't quite fit Jackie Chan, the first twenty minutes are kinda tedious since it only relies on sub-par comedy and a mildly entertaining skateboard sequence. But over time the movie slowly turns into a Jackie Chan movie. It gets into gear once we get to the ship. Maybe it was unintentional but fact is Jacke works best when he's charming. Once the Die-Hard plot gets going the wacky hi-jinks slows down at least a little bit. There are many characters here in the mix, the most annyoing being a pair of DJ's who even sneaked a terrible music video into this. Thankfully their screentime is a bare minimum.

The villains have the worst lines ("We just wanna get rich") but they are the best part in this. And more often their non-sensical dialogue are what makes this fun. Like when they are about to hijack the whole ship and in the elevator the main villain asks how his bowtie looks and another henchman replies with a simple "nice". And yes it's that movie with the Street FIghter action sequence that most people know from memes nowadays.

Why I take one star off is that surprisingly some of the action scenes are pretty mediocre for a Jackie Chan film. The skateboard sequence in the beginning lacks a climax. The fight scene in the cinema is waaay too long with too much dead air for silly jokes. The editing is also not very tight on this sequence, it lacks energy which is usually the strongpoint of HK productions. The last fight scene makes it up though. It's real good choreography that you expect from a Jackie Chan movie, with lots of creativity, comedy and pain.

This is a very unusual entry in Jackie Chan's filmography and is enjoyable to Jackie fans, I would never recommend this one to people who are unfamiliar of Jackie Chan (yes, they sadly exist).
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