Murderous Maids is much better.
5 January 2022
I watched this movie way back last year, and this is what I experienced on watching this.

The film is darker, and somewhat scarier especially on the last part of the film. However, the it is somehow not getting the point of the story whether it is really based on true events or they're just creating an original story.

Their Madame Lancelin (whatever her name in this movie) looks like a typical master who is a comedic and only cares about her daughter, while their Genevieve (whatever her name) is much like a mere decoration. And also Christine doesn't show her obsession towards her younger sister and her madness towards having paranoid schizophrenia is not enough shown in this movie. Plus their love scenes are way too boring, or too much censored despite of the steamy-looking movie poster. Aside from these, there are other characters in this film who are not explorable enough, like a nun named Veronica something that she has a connection to Christine whether if she is Emilia or not.

If you're looking for a full-dramatization of the story of these two sisters, better watch Les Blessures Assassines (Murderous Maids) instead. This movie lacks of story-telling about the infamous sisters who committed crime in France, and also the insanity and madness of the elder sister.
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