An Up-Close Look
31 December 2021
I really didn't know much about the man, himself: Hayao Miyazaki. I knew of his work and have been bouncing around watching many of his films for the first time, every time in the original Japanese language.

Man, this was tough. It's a struggle: retire and be bored to tears or go back to working in an extreme way? I don't know any circumstances outside of this documentary, but what frustrated me is it seemed like such a simple solution, especially for a man as revered as himself: stick to 2D animation! Don't do anything OTHER than 2D animation, his absolute bread and butter for decades.

Ignoring that, we get a time capsule in his life from ~2014-2016. Often times, a bit sad. He treats his chiropractor like his therapist. I appreciate him agreeing to be a part of this documentary, I only wish we get to see this sort of thing in his more recent years.

This really makes me appreciate the attention to detail in all of his films, I truly had no idea he was such a perfectionist, probably too much with regards to his poor staff. Literally a Kubrick in a different medium. I'd recommend a watch, although it's definitely frustrating at times, it's worth it!
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