Kinda sorta ... maybe it grows on you?
14 December 2021
Clearly they had some fun making this, but there isn't much to recommend it. Case in point: you can watch a lot of this at 4x speed and not miss much. Dialog tends to lowest-common-denominator type statements, and the comedy between the brothers does likewise. Plotwise, almost nothing makes sense except in the vaguest of terms: a bad guy captures some people, wants a gem; along the way, time passes and stuff happens. Almost none of it stands the faintest amount of thought, from how people are dressed to what they do to why they say what they say -- and it doesn't matter if you think it's fun. Will you? Maybe; it's pretty much stoner-level humor, with too many scenes of loudly-braying-like-a-goat for my taste.

Best aspects: the brothers are convincing as bickering brothers. It's not very interesting bickering, but it is convincing. The monsters are fairly well done. Good variety of settings.

Lesser aspects: the lighting tends to be not very good, especially early on. Plot premise has a hole so big you could drive a wagon through it (which they do), but then that's true of the entire story. Don't be surprised if RiffTrax or MST3K get hold of this.

And yes: I realize this isn't Citizen Kane. But neither is it Deathstalker or Conan. However, if you like the Barbarian Brothers and their dopey kinda sibling rivalry, then this might be a delight for you.

Note on nudity: despite the rating and imdb categorizing, there are no bare breasts in this film -- unless you count the brothers themselves. The closest is some sheer material in the harem which could be mistaken for it, but isn't. There is also no swearing or graphic violence -- as if intentionally made so as not to offend their own grandma. Amazingly, this is rated R when Excalibur is rated PG; it should be the other way around.
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