Adequate prison drama helped by the acting
4 December 2021
Ron Decker (Edward Furlong) is a young man that is arrested for drug dealing and is sent to prison. Once there he has an hard time adapting to the life behind bars: however he is taken under the wing of Earl Copen (Willem Dafoe), an older convict that helps him in practically everything he needs and lets him join his gang. Most of the movie is just Ron hanging out with Earl's gang, life in the penitentiary and the escape attempts leading to the final one.

At times the movie was grim but the actors' performances (Dafoe, Furlong, Danny Trejo, Tom Arnold in a rare villainous role, Mickey Rourke as a cross-dresser) were so good that out-weighted the film's shortcomings. Steve Buscemi is a fine actor but here as a director looks out of his element. While not outstanding, just an ok prison movie.
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