He's a Honey (1932)
As you watch and listen, it's hard to imagine anyone paid Barris to sing!
3 December 2021
Harry Barris was a songwriter and singer from the early 1930s. However, in this and another short I recently watched with him, his singing was VERY weak....and his voice not especially good. He did write some lovely songs...but his singing makes me wonder why he was popular.

When the story begins, you see that Barris is a radio star and although most everyone seems to like him, Edgar (Edgar Kennedy) is a grouch and argues with his wife when she tries to listen to his show. But his annoyance will become REALLY intense when he hears Barris on the radio talking about eloping....with Edgar's daughter!!! Edgar inexplicably hates Barris so much, he tries to enlist a boxing champ to help beat the stuffing out of Barris. What's next? See the film.

The film has a couple strikes against it. Barris' singing has not aged well and the film has very few laughs...and no big ones. Easy to watch...easy to skip.
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