Better Watch Out (II) (2016)
A Twisted Delight
3 December 2021
During the holiday season, the Lerners (Patrick Warburton and Virginia Madden) leave their twelve-year-old son, Luke (Levi Miller) with the always responsible Ashley (Olivia DeJonge) while they go out for a night on the town. Luke, with the help of friend Garrett (Ed Oxenbould), has decided tonight is the night to make a move on longtime sitter Ashley. Before Luke can make his move, an unexpected intruder attempts to break in. With them being in the safe suburbs, the two are on their own as they have to navigate a home invasion with twists and turns at every corner.

This film keeps you guessing as each scene evolves. Director Chris Peckover, along with writing partner Zack Kahn, crafted an excellent story that drops hints at the big reveal throughout the movie, but never enough to give too much away. Keeping the film confined to the house keeps everything tight, which could hinder the production, but in this case, it let's the viewer experience everything with the cast. Setting this during Christmas helps make this work and actually adds to some scenes.

The acting in this film is exceptional, especially Olivia DeJonge and Levi Miller. Miller, for instance, unravels and becomes unpredictable as the film goes on. Olivia DeJonge brings a sense of realism to the situation. Ed Oxenbould is cast to perfection as the timid best friend. All around, the entire cast brings this film to life.

When you break down the film, there are some issues. The film is paced at a good speed, but some beats are rushed while others drag. Some scenes can become uncomfortable, which is good in a way, but easing up could let the scenes breathe.

Better Watch Out takes the traditional home invasion scenario and turns it on its head. The cast is tight and the setting is as well. Once this film gets going, it's hard to tell what track it's going to stay on. All the way down to the final shot, Better Watch Out will keep you guessing.
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