Terrific,Suspenseful Movie
20 November 2021
I am amazed at People giving this Movie Terrible ratings! Are you kidding me? I was hooked from the first 5 minutes into this thought provoking story line. This Movie had it all. A beginning leading up to the beginning. The Middle, 3/4 til the end and then the ending.

Each individual Actor in this Movie were mesmerizing. These Actors were ALL important in this Movie then add in their excellent acting skills.

I gravitate towards any Movies that are NOT American Movies. Yes I am an American but because I have been groomed from a very young age to appreciate Perfection in the Movie of my likings. It is the Actors that make the Movie. Not the Movie that makes the Actors. I firmly believe this. Now for myself I am 63 years old young. 98% of American Movies and Actors bore me to tears!!! I can predict, figure out the Movies entireity from the beginning. So for me I welcome foreign Movies. Korean Movies are usually my go to Movies, I always always enjoy them. They put their Hearts and Souls into ALL of thier productions. Plus Korean Actors are the best of the best. I gravitate towards European Movies as well. Then Irish/Brit, etc.

I rate this Movie in every aspect of a Winner of a Movie a "Perfect 10". I simply cannot understand the persons that said more or less this was la bomba!!!! No way, No how. Solid Acting, terrific meaning,Breath taking scenery......Please do not think twice,,,If you are picky as I am you will be glued to your TV screen as I was....
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