Mothering Sunday (I) (2021)
Merchant Ivory it ain't
20 November 2021
A country house love movie with a star studded cast lured me into the cinema. Yes, the country houses were there and still looking pretty good. So I really can't complain on on that score. But, the love part seemed to have got dropped because this film was utterly devoid of love. There was though some pretty gratuitous sex that happens in a country house and then a servant girl decides she will explore the house stark naked in soft porn fashion, which as we all know young working class women were prone to do just after the first world war. And we learn that one of the important things that distinguishes the aristocracy from the rest of us is that when they dress they put their shirt and vest on before their underpants.

As for Olivia Colman and Colin Firth they portray their boring characters to Oscar winning perfection. But so what - they are boring. Now if like me you were expecting the film to twist somewhere so that the servant girl actually take some action against the class system. Stand by to be disappointed.

Very disappointed.
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