Family Guy: Not All Dogs Go to Heaven (2009)
Season 7, Episode 11
Yeah Seth, we get it, your an atheist.
20 November 2021
Seriously this has to be the most preachy thing since 'annoying' Jehovah Witnesses.

I though athiests hate preachy nonsense, wow I never realised how hypocritical they were until seeing this, and the good reviews.

Let's bring South Park in the situation, yeah they like some fun at RELIGION sometimes, and fair enuf you know Matt and trey themselves said u gotta make fun of all it's not fair it's only one.

Not really the same with family guy I wonder if there was an athiest alternative to this episode, I mean in the sense that they make fun of atheists, 'oh you belive monkey came into man, why is monkey still here??? Haha! Oh you don't belive in God? But you belive in daddy Big Bang, hahaha what about conservation of energy' you see how dumb it can sound?

Nothing against Seth just this episode was trash along with season 7 (70% wasboring 30% was decent)
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