There She Goes (2018– )
As a father of an autistic child this show is terrifyingly accurate
20 November 2021
I can't tell you what a relief it is to see our story represented, although imagine how much harder it is for working class parents, this couple was extremely lucky they had 1 able bodied child, extended family to support and provide help, and they had flexible well paid professional careers to help take care of the financial stresses.

One of the most relieving features of this show was the illustration of just how clueless 95% of the world is to the difficulties of raising a disabled child, one of the most patronising experiences is when parents of able bodied children empathise with your experience by comparing their well behaved children to your relentless nightmare of a life, sorry, BUT YOU HAVE NO IDEA WHATSOEVER, raising an able bodied child is a cakewalk and you have nothing to complain about, so watch this show and get some perspective - I know they mean well but it's just so patronising, so it was extremely gratifying to see this experience reflected through the relationship with the neighbour and his perfectly behaved child. It was great to see that none of this "able bodied prejudice" nonsense was included, anyone that wouldn't want a better life for their disabled child is a child abuser imo. It was also great to see the nurses, family and friends telling the parents that they're just imagining that they're child has issues, this is done purely because these people do not want to face the consequences if the parents are right, they don't want to have the awkward conversations or offer their condolences because that would take extra effort on their behalf, meanwhile it isolates the parents and makes them feel like they're going insane, every parent of a disabled that I've spoken to has gone through this exact experience and what's worse is that there are no support services or counselling for the parents that basically have to go through the stages of grief - whilst everyone is telling them they're just neurotic, or "over convened first time parents", it really is a traumatic experience especially for first time parents.

An amazingly accurate portrayal of the lives of families with disabled children. Well done to the bbc.

And to all the reviewers that said they couldn't stand listening or watching because the child was too " annoying",what cowards you are, I'd hate to think what would become of you and your children if this was your life and yes this does make you a terrible person , I mean try to imagine what the parents have to go through considering they can't just turn off their tv and block it out of their mind. At the very least I hope it helps illustrate what a fortunate existence you live.
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