A Decent Screwball, But Little More
19 November 2021
Spencer Tracy is going duck hunting in Louisiana when he runs into Wendy Barrie; to be more accurate, their cars run into each other, and they wind up in a small town run by Raymond Walburn, where various comic misunderstandings ensue.

It's an early screwball, and not particularly well written; Tracy once said that acting was a matter of learning your lines and not tripping over furniture, and Miss Barrie, while quite lively, is far too ladylike to provide many chuckles. Walburn provides most of the laughs with a typically overblown performance. Irving Cummings directs with a light touch, but like many Fox movies of the era, the lack of a good writing department stops this one from being more than watchable. With Irving Bacon, Charles Sellon. Astrid Allwyn, and the always welcome Skippy.
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