In Which I Write 'Frankfurt' A Lot
13 November 2021
Robert Ryan gets on the train for Berlin and finds himself caught up in a world of bad international relationships, spying, kidnapping, and Merle Oberon in a hat with a big feather.

The title suggests one of those train thrillers, and there's certain amount of that, but people look out the windows, and get out a couple of times, particularly when Paul Lukas is reported killed, or Miss Oberon is kidnapped. In the main, however, it turns into a message film: we must cooperate, we must have peace, or everything will wind up looking like the ruins of of Frankfurt and Berlin.

There's some nice shots of the interior of the IG Farben offices in Frankfurt, with the paternoster elevators running. They're still there, and the building is part of the University of Frankfurt. With Robert Coote and Reinhold Schünzel.
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