Robin Hood is back !
13 November 2021
With a few exceptions ("l'albatros" " le témoin" "agent trouble" ) Mocky has never enthused me : couldn't-care-less directing ,actors hamming it up and weak screenplays .

"Robin Des Mers" is ,like many a Mocky flick,a film which is eager to get a message across;all in all, it's not unlike what Robert Guédiguian does in "à l'attaque" and the beginning of "lady Jane ", minus the finesse.

Robin Des Bois is French for Robin Hood ;so why not Robin Des Mers (Robin of the seas)? Mocky's good idea is to have cast a kid as the dispenser of justice ,who steals from the rich to give to the poor ; a boy whose daddy has almost taken his own life, a harbor where unemployment runs rampant , where the politicians embezzle public funds (a thing one often sees in real life ),deaf to all their electors' complains once they have become deputies.

In spite of an obvious lack of means,there're some funny scenes ;on the other hand ,the poetic sequences, involving Robin and his Marian ,are filler.
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