Quatermass II (1955)
I Still Hate Oil Refineries
5 November 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Rather unwisely my mother allowed me to watch this when I was five years old. That's despite the famous pre-credits warning by a plummy voiced BBC announcer that "The following programme is not suitable for children or persons of a nervous disposition." Have to say, it scared the bejabbers out of me but, despite many sleepless nights and requests for the landing light to be left on, I stayed with it to the bitter end. The story is basically about alien meterorites bursting open when handled and turning the victim into a compliant zombie. Those affected then help to build a huge processing facility in which to breed other aliens.

I recall there were some out and out horror bits. The guy staggering down the steps covered in corrosive black tar and the rocket being crushed by alien tentacles. But, for me, the real scary parts were the silences, which usually hinted that one of the characters had been taken over. This tended to be accompanied by a basilisk stare from that character. So you knew something was amiss, even though the rest of the cast didn't. This, together with the brutality of the"Nazi" guards, made the whole thing very unsettling. The final episode was the most terrifying. Professor Quatermass and his friend Leo Pugh, fly a rocket with an unstable "atomic" motor to the orbiting asteroid from whence the aliens originate. The intention is to push the motor to a critical mass stage then use the escape pod to get away. The exploding rocket will then destroy the aliens and end the mind control. Trouble is, you guessed it, at the crucial moment Quatermass realises that Leo has been infected and a fight ensues. In the meantime the asteroid comes alive and great, oily tentacles wrap around the rocket which begins to buckle. Fortunately Quatermass just manages to escape and the Earth is saved yet again. Phew!

I'm 50-50 as to whether this or, Quatermass and The Pit is the better serial. Both are excellent stories with drama and excitement. On balance I'm voting for Q2 for its creepiness. The Pit seems more like a Dr Who adventure.

Oh yes. Why do I hate oil refineries? Well, the alien breeding facility in the programmes is in reality the Shell Haven oil refinery. In the fifties my Dad delivered refurbished oil drums to a variety of loacations and often took me with him. Shortly after watching Q2 he delivered some to - the Regent Oil Refinery on the River Severn at Stourport. I was paralysed with fear! The huge silver retorts emitting sulphurous odours and the dreadful quietness of the place. It was just like the serial! I fully expected to see black-suited guards marching around the corner or the jelly-like monsters erupting from the tanks. After that experience I have always viewed oil refineries with trepidation.
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