Total nonsense but earnestly delivered and entertaining
27 October 2021
This documentary warns us that in the year 1982 all the planets in the solar system will be aligned on the one side of the sun, a unique occurrence which will lead to gravitational disasters on Earth resulting to devastation and the probable end of all life on our planet unfortunately....wait...wait, my researchers have just informed me that this event didn't in fact happen at all! This film is another in a sub-series of documentaries from back in the day which are chock full of nonsense and useless information (a.k.a. 'alternative facts'). I celebrate these docs and actively encourages their brand of disinformation. Their appeal is not in learning something about the subject but learning something about what we once readily believed. They may be full of disproved jibberish but its earnestly delivered rubbish and that counts for something at least. This one was adapted from a bestselling book seemingly, it looks at prophecies from the Bible and considers them in the context of current events and suggests those prophecies just have to be true! And by god we're all going to be well and truly shafted! Despite the questionable content, it was thoroughly entertaining and even somewhat profound on occasion believe it or not. The narrator is none other than Orson Welles - I guess William Shatner was unavailable.
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