Shanghai Noon (2000)
China vs America round 1
16 October 2021
Not such a big surprise having a Chinese man in the Wild West, the Chinese did build the railways there, provided laundry services and cooks, so having a Gong Fu artiste roaming the west is not so far fetched.

This is a fun movie, Chen Long gets up to his fantastic tricks with his Gong Fu stunt team, there is nothing new with this action, Jackie has done it lots of times before, but it's not boring, and very clever.

Owen Wilson does his usual dodgy but nice/ well intended poor mans entrepreneur/playboy, again not new.

The chemistry between the two works well, with Lucy Liu providing the pretty girl, to brighten up proceedings, we all know they are going to win the day, but that is not a problem, it's the action and fun along the way that makes the film, they are not pretending to make a classic, and they don't need to be Shakespearean quality in the acting stakes, just do what they usually do, and what everyone expects, and they do that well.
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