Lavish and decent recreation about the Spanish Independence War adequately directed by Mario Camus
13 October 2021
Splendid series about Independence War dealing with several historical facts and being competently shot . Equally , being reenacted important events as Carlos IV's Bayona abdication coerced by Napoleon , the Madrid upheaval May 2, 1808 with charge Mamelucos included , battles against French troops as Bailen , and subsequent repression and punishments , proclamation of the Constitution 1812 in the court of Cadiz in San Felipe Neri , among others. Focusing on the strong confrontation between French General Leopoldo Hugo and El Empecinado .Besides , appearing various historical roles as Pepe Botella or Jose Bonaparte , his brother emperor Napoleon , as well as his notorious generales , the brave contender Lord Wellington , Carlos IV and his wife Queen Maria Luisa , El Principe de la Paz Godoy , Marchena , General Leopoldo Hugo and of course Martin Diaz El Empecinado.

A good and interesting series in six episodes written by prestigious writers as Jorge Semprun , Eduardo Chamorro and Rafael Azcona . Stars Sancho Garcia , this great actor played a number of tough adventurers and rebels , most of them living during Spanish Independence War , such as The Black Mask or Mascara Negra , Curro Jimenez and here as El Empecinado , as well as his main contender the French General Leopoldo Hugo finely acted by the French Bernard Fresson , in fact this nice series results to be a Spanish/ French co-production , that's why here shows up various foreign actors . Special mention for Francisco Rabal as a really deranged Francisco Goya y Lucientes , appearing painting his famous gravings about Disasters of War as well other paintings as portrayal of Carlos IV family , uprising May 2 , 1808 . And with a plethora of secondaries giving acceptable interpretations such as : Francisco Cecilio as Fernando VII , Philippe Rouleau as Jose I , Tony Isbert as Lord Wellington , Pierre Santini as Napoleon , Mario Pardo as Marchena , Miguel Rellan, Manuel Zarzo and many others. The motion picture was competently directed by recently deceased filmmaker Mario Camus .
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