The first one was stupid fun. This one's just stupid.
9 October 2021
Especially Sherlock himself. He doesn't appear very intelligent at all, in this incredibly boring sequel. Granted, he wasn't particularly genius in the first one either, but the visual translation of his intellect was at least fairly entertaining. Here they actually just gave up and turned it into a joke.

Sherlock comes off like he had a stroke or something. His entourage isn't any better and Moriarty was there too. All there's to say. He was apparently present in the movie. He didn't do much though.

The style becomes an enormous frustration point as well. From over-edited foot chases to nonsensical transitions between scenes. The editing in general is just weak here.

This movie already feels like its 30 years old.

The actors do their best, given the terribly written script. Not that it matters much. Probably would have been better with much worse performances.

The tone is all over the place. The movie starts with a bombing. Followed by a quirky funny scene. Followed by a murder of a previously established character.

Throughout I was wondering what the hell was going on. The characters in this movie spend a lot of time talking about the plot and almost no time showing it. Which made the action scenes ring hollow, pointless and completely tension free.

This entire movie plays like a filler episode on a mediocre TV show. It's very boring. Very, very boring.
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