Review of Polar

Polar (I) (2019)
Bad Movie.
26 September 2021
If you want to watch a movie that actually succeeds at over the top craziness and style, go no further than the Crank movies featuring Jason Statham. They are very, very high energy and unrelentingly nuts.

Polar tries so hard to be like those, but every time any "character" opens their mouths I fell asleep. It's like they replaced the dialogue with lullabies.

The plot is just nonsensical drivel, that dares to take itself seriously at times, which is just embarrassing for everyone on screen.

The editing is just terrible. Like "2016 Suicide Squad" - levels of terrible. It actually feels like watching a trailer for 110 minutes.

Which brings me to the runtime. Polar should have been 20 minutes at most. That's all it has. 20 minutes of substance stretched over 110. The bad pacing, bad performances, bad action, bad effects, bad color grading, horrible editing and a worthless script make this one of the most "but why?" - movies ever.

Overall it just felt like nobody actually cared when making this bore-fest.
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