This is so horrible I can't believe anyone could be proud of working on it
13 September 2021
If one is going to make a TOS era film, stick to the original score, not TWOK one. Right from the get-go opening credits this pissed me off.

The special effects - they are so horrible I can't believe it. The story is just plodding and awful and the acting is all over the place. The baggy costumes, the terrible green screen mattes and worse of all the BUG EYED MONSTER ALIEN who just wants to KILL KILL KILL!

The worst of Lost in Space looked better than this thing.

It's television, not rocket science - hell the other fan film things with first the Elvis Captain and his wooden acting and later the groupie gropper scenery chewing Kirk at least got the LOOK of what the old TOS era show should look like SFX wise. Good god some of those were super painful, but this makes them look like Oscar material by comparison.

And the SOUND MIX! Did no one listen to this thing before they plastered it on the web? It has to be THE WORST SOUND MIX OF ALL TIME!

You go for long passages straining to hear any dialogue spoken or understand the mumbling.

Worst is Captain April realized in this walking drunkard looking guy who is supposed to be a Captain but looks like he's not had a shave or shower in weeks!

I saw at the end the director crediting trying to honor the TAS episode "Counter-Clock Incident" as his inspiration to honor the character! Did he watch it high on acid or something? He really thinks this honors TAS? Or Captain April?

This film is practically a CRIME AGAINST STAR TREK!

I wish I could rate it a NEGATIVE 10 for wasting my time!
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