Funny and amusing picture packing twisted relationships , romantic comedy and attractive characters
4 September 2021
¨Tenemos Que Hablar¨ or ¨We Need to Talk¨ with Hugo Silva and Michelle Jenner is a charming and appealing comedy with fine actors that was a success enough at Spanish box office . It is a fun picture dealing with couple relationships , jealousy , lies , family conflicts and many other things . Nuria (Michelle Jenner) is a lovely young girl with a wealthy life, a sweetheart to marry him and a parents who love her , but a problem : she still is married to Jorge . Previously a successful bank CEO, Jorge (Hugo Silva) went bankrupt and nowadays living at a flat along with his ex-chief and friend Lucas (Ernesto Sevilla) . After two years separated, Jorge doesn't forget her , but Nuria in order to get the divorce and get married her incautious Argentinean boyfriend Victor (Ilay Kurelovic) wants to talk him . She suddenly discovers that Jorge has attempted to commit suicide jumping by a window . Feeling responsible of it , though it results to be a false suicide , Nuria talks with her parents Miguel (Oscar Ladoire) and Patricia (Veronica Forque) , according cheat Jorge for believing they aren't divorced . As Miguel and Patricia are actually separated and also bankrupted due to the Jorge's bad business in lousy investments that ruined his parents-in-law . The true problem is what when the lies accumulate , the situations go wrong . An ex is for ever. Get ready for the (worst) better ¡

Screwball style comedy seasoned with diverting scenes , alluring mess , confusion , mayhem , entertainment and professionally directed by David Serrano . Romantic and convincing Spanish comedy with good actors delivering fine interpretations ,enjoyable scenes and nice direction. This is a charming and likable comedy with a lot of incidents in which each time more dangerously out of control , including attractant love stories in which there are twisted messes , as well as the ordinary Spanish clichés . Colorful story of loves and jealousy in which predominates amiable, attracting roles who become embroiled in multiple messes. It has some moments of enjoyment as well as amusement and others quite a few embarrassing . Regular and unbalanced , but gaining the sympathy almost at all times . Agreeable performance from cute Michelle Jenner tries to ask him files for divorce without pain for anybody but things go awry , Hugo Silva as the unfortunate jobless man who liives almost in the ruin , Ernesto Sevilla as the impulsive friend who becomes involved in several problems and special mention for the veterans Oscar Ladoire and Veronica Forquè who stand out as the two intimate parents . Adding other glorious appearances from Roberto Álamo, Ilay Kurelovic and Belén Cuesta .

It displays a catching and sensitive musical score by Julio de la Rosa . As well as a brilliant and glimmering cinematography by Juàn Carlos Gòmez . This motion picture with a great and sympathetic cast was well directed by David Serrano , as no big deal , the flick is acceptable and decent . However , accustomed to the hit smashes of other blockbusters , with this ''Tenemos que hablar'' director Serrano failed to convince this time to critics , however getting success enough at the boxoffice . David Serrano was born in 1975 in Madrid , location in which he often shoots his movies . As David Serrano is a good director and writer , known for ¨Días De Fútbol¨ (2003), ¨El Otro Lado De La Cama¨ (2002) , ¨Una Hora Más En Canarias¨ (2010) , among others . Rating : 6/10 . Acceptable and passable romantic comedy that will appeal to Michelle Jenner and Hugo Silva fans.
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