Let's Go Slumming
1 September 2021
Jack Benny leads a troupe of struggling musical performers (including the Yacht Club Boys) who are stuck abroad with no money. He mistakes rich Joan Bennett for another broke actress and recruits her to share in their poverty. She finds delight in slumming and plays along. Between escaping hotel rooms they can't pay for and opportunistically swiping meals, they weasel their way into an opulent designer fashion show (which would have been a honey in color). There is a sweet old horse that adopts Benny and keeps finding a way to show up. This is a fun movie that doesn't require much thinking.

I saw this screened at Capitolfest in 2021. They explained that this was a sequel to the variety show format film Artists and Models, but that since this one was more plot driven, it was a flop. Modern audiences tend to take more to this film.
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