A Multiple-Watch-Worthy Movie
18 August 2021
I think this movie deserves a better rating than the 6.1 that it currently has. If I could, I would rate it 7 1/2 stars. Granted, it is not grounded in reality and its sarcasm (usually delivered by Dennis Quaid as Jeff Blue) gets tiresome but in the end, I was entertained and that's all that matters to me.

Kathleen Turner was a hoot all the way through and Fiona Shaw was wonderful in the role of Novacek, the ruthless, sex-hungry psychopath. When criticized for a particularly cruel and disgusting action she took, she laughed as she said, "I know! It was was in the worst possible taste!" Of course, Stanley Tucci gave his usual brilliant performance, this time as Muerte, the maladroit wannabe-gangster.

As in most movies, I am often equally--if not more--entertained by powerful, lesser appreciated character actors than by the high-paid stars. This was true here. The late Dennis Lipscomb absolutely nailed his small role as the wimpy Foster. I swear, for the rest of my life, I will be cursed to use his voice whenever I ask, "Who is this?" Larry Miller and Obba Babatundé were the perfect choice to play the bewildered cops. They weren't bumbling or incompetent, just confused by the mystery of the Blues.
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