Revolution (II) (2012)
Not the standard "climate change" docu we all got used to since this was released (in 2012))
17 August 2021
Worth the watch, as it's a good mix.

A few facts: This documentary is free to watch on it's website theRevolutionMovie com

Rob Stewart died in 2017 doing what he loved, filming Sharkwaters 2 (..did he really drown - who knows)

By now we all know that coorporate biz listened too close to the "climate change" debate, and found ways to fleece the regular population after we all can't afford to tax fossil fueled vehicles any more - nor won't be able to purchase cheap used ones - as the battery needs replacing - double win as fossil fuels are still extracted from the earth.

Stewart narrates but only briefly addresses the elephant in the room (or world so to say) at minute40, min50 and min105 then sways off again towards the (by now) usual fingerpointing at coporate oil production & burning fossil fuel - what is the elusive elephant you ask? ...human population growth rate and adaption of "western lifestyle" in the most rapidly growing populations/countries (...ongoing, un-stopped & increasing, visibly accompanied by deforrestation (Southamerica &Asia) , diabetis and child obesitity due to the adapted western imported corporate-food)

Developing countries as Indonesia China India just to mention the biggest asian ones (not even starting mentioning african ones who sign deals with coorporate China completely ignoring nature preservation) had an explosive increase in industrial and population growth and don't ever make it into the baddy-list, as it's not PC to point fingers at developing countries who "only want to fetch up what the "west" did before".

Since release (2012) population grew by around 800 million (worldometers info)

Not a fact but probably true: Most of the screaming teenage pre-Greta-archetype activistists waiving billboards & shouting with tears in their eyes by now have families with more than one child (adding to the number fact above)

Rant over.

We are the Lynx (but too clever to die off) I feel with the Sharks and Lemurs.
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