Aftermath (IV) (2021)
Trying too hard
7 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
This movie had some good things going for it. Good cast, beautiful setting, interesting storyline (at least at first), decent pace and a lovely dog (which, btw, in reality would have caught the intruder like a million times).

Problem is they were trying too hard to surprise the viewers that they ended up complicating the story too much to the point it became dumb. Too many unexplained things going on and worst of all was the interaction between the two main characters. I get you have difficulties but who acts like that? The only horror here was this marriage. Sorry to say this but if your marriage is that worse, get out as fast as you can. Seriously.

Also, any one of the "incidents" that occurred in the house would have been enough for them (or at least for the wife) to say "I'm out of here! I'm not staying here another second". But no, she kept staying in house all alone. Go to a friend's house or to the cheapest motel you can find... whatever, just don't stay there! I mean, they did move out eventually right?! Are we supposed to believe they couldn't do it before but after everything that inspired the house's value went up? It's ridiculous!

I wish the makers of this movie cared more about the quality of it, instead of trying too hard to make it new and edgy. A good horror thriller is hard to find anyways so better to care more about quality than originality.

Cast did a good job but the stupid behavior and unexplained questions made it into a bad movie.


And in case you are wondering here are the biggest plot holes and unanswered questions: Why was this guy in such a bad shape (both physically and mentally)? Why live in the walls for so long? Why didn't the police do a DNA test on the clearly unidentifiable corpse? Why did he kill the sister? Why wasn't anyone looking for the sister? And don't give me that one text message as an excuse because that's nowhere near enough. Why didn't the dog catch the intruder? Like for example when he put the tennis ball on the bed (she was out of the room for exactly ten seconds which mean the intruder was real close by). Dogs would know a stranger is in the house. Why was he harassing and attacking the two in the first place? Why poison the husband and attack the wife? Why try and kill them? What's his story? I can go on and on but lastly (like I've already mentioned): WHY DO YOU KEEP STAYING THERE?? The car, the message on the mirror, the music, the water, the pornography, the tennis ball, the text messages, the photos, the THREE separate attacks, the dog... Do you really need to be chained to a wall before you decide to move out? One, two, maybe three incidents I get but everything? I wouldn't leave the house because the mirror or the pornography because it's hard to make a connection but the tennis ball and the photos of you sleeping?? Come on! It's idiotic!

But hey, thankfully the ending was happy... One month later and they were all smiles. The deaths, the traumas, the financial problems, the marital problems... All went away with a flip of a finger (literally). Laughable!
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