Review of Desire

Desire (1936)
If It's Lubitsch, It Might Be Good?
2 August 2021
When reviewers see the (sometimes) great Ernst Lubitsch associated with a film, all subjectivity goes out the window. The unlikely pairing of Cooper and Dietrich (do they have chemistry in "Morocco," I wonder) is a case of wooden meets aloof. The script lacks spark, the jokes fall flat, and the very idea of Marlene living happily in Detroit (even then) seems ludicrous. I can't seem to figure out what these two have to offer each other except for the manufactured "love" that movie romances provide. She ain't down home, that's for sure, and he shows no signs of true sophistication. Had they made a sequel, it would have most likely been "Divorce in Detroit." Thing do pick up towards the end, and there's a fine dinner scene with all the major players, but it's not enough to brighten up the proceedings. I know my opinion is not shared by many, but I can only call it as I see it. NOTE: I have nothing against Detroit; I consider it an important city in America's history. It just doesn't seem to suit the Dietrich persona that was carefully sculpted by Hollywood.
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