Time after Time (2011 TV Movie)
Many missed the undertone of hope with Alzheimer's
2 August 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Richard in the future has probably had Alzheimer's. You don't learn this until the end. He snaps out of it at the end and is home from a walk not recognizing his home or the pictures of his wife. He had left the house for a walk and he apparently travelled back in his mind to when he's returned from being gone from Glenville pop 5100 for past 11 years at age 30. As in many who suffer from this disease, he plays out the events as though he is talking with a guy (himself) at age 55. As it turns out his current self guided his younger self to make the right decisions to stay and fight for his former fiancé while giving him a glimpse of the town's future should he leave including the collapse of his former fiancé's career and her death in an auto accident. Why do I say this? Because in the middle of movie he talks about a memory drug that would be invented in 2016. Now Back to when he snaps to in his house at 55 years old. He gingerly walks around and goes upstairs to find that he is married to her and she is wearing the pendulum he had laid down 25 years ago and she is getting ready for them to go out. His look is that of one who is lost and is surprised and wry affectionate to her in amazing disbelief. She says I wondered where you had gone. Wow. Maybe you should go for a walk more often. She says hurry let's go to the celebration and Richard says what celebration? She says seriously? Come on we'll be late. The scene pans to her dresser where the bottle of memory meds are almost empty and he goes with her. It was their 25 anniversary party at their cafe and he doesn't hardly recognize anyone including his son and his grandson. It ends with him smiling and her asking Richard if he's ok and he responds I'm fine. It almost brought tears to my eyes because I had an uncle who suffered with Alzheimer's and he would leave the house get lost and not remember how to get back home. The local police picked him up and fortunately his wallet had his license and they brought him home. He didn't recognize his wife or the home. After several episodes he had to be placed in a Nursing home for the rest of his life. Very sad. This movie was very well done and gives hope for loves lost and found again.
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