The Racer (2020)
Interesting idea not very well executed
29 July 2021
There's the makings of a decent film here. Good characters and the lead roles are well acted. Some of the supporting characters are little more than 2 dimensional stereotypes (the highly strung Italian prima donna) but that's forgivable in a low budget movie.

The real problem is that the film gets so much of the cycling wrong. Having a sprinter who's favourite to win the Tour de France. Domestiques who literally ride the entire stage on the front of the peloton including doing the lead out. Teams having all their riders together at the end of the stage. These things aren't central to the plot, but the problem is that to anyone who actually follows cycling they make it clear that the filmmakers either don't know much about professional cycling or just don't care. Which is a problem in a film about cycling which is mainly going to appeal to cyclists and cycling fans!
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