Sexy Beasts (2021)
Good concept, terrible execution
22 July 2021
Positives: great concept, great SFX makeup (seriously, what talent!) and funny narrator who, while commenting too often, has some unique jokes that actually land.

That's it for the positives. The biggest issue with this show is that it entirely defeats it's own self-proclaimed purpose by making everyone attractive. Every single time someone's face is revealed, the narrator, the other contestants, all think they're hot anyway. They're all conventionally attractive, so what's the point? It's a show telling you not to be shallow while being incredibly shallow. Average people don't want to watch models preach about inner beauty.

The pacing is terrible. At the expense of wanting to show off as many designs as possible, the pacing suffers. Changing contestants every single episode doesn't allow time to get invested. If you want to show off more makeup designs, make it a Bachelorette style show with more contestants to choose from instead of cycling through people like tissues.

The editing, the rapid cuts, the constant jokes, the shots of them dancing or posing every 5 minutes is agonizing. We get it, they're wacky and wearing funny makeup. The entire show doesn't have to be vapid to get that point across. Just another good concept ruined by absolutely no genuine emotion or sense of vulnerability.
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