Dan gets cinq
20 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Really horrible tale of a sulky brat old woman who takes her moods to the nth degree and ends up dumping her partner.

Auteuil is gifted in conveying words and thoughts with a most expressive face. Maybe Huppert was chosen to stay straight lipped because anything more would be normal.

Complaint after complaint, zero responsibility and with the detachment of a child abuser, Huppert stares its way through an hour and a half of nothingness which naturally drives Auteuil's character bananas. Mind reading after collecting a baby was not part of the deal one imagines and as Auteuil tries in vain to work out what this empty vessel wants , he loses it anyway.

Unnaturally in their world, the kids are an accessory. No need to focus there.

What in heavens name got these characters together in the first place? Judging from Hupperts lines, falling in love happens and one must be truthful about it. Judging from Hupperts face, love and it, do not a joyful thing make.

I don't know if this film was a warning to self assured guys that your partner maybe replaced with a vacuous clone after a couple of years or to boost Huppert's m.o. With descriptive words such as 'deep' 'enigmatic' 'misunderstood' 'lost' 'sad' or 'traumatised'.

That's all I got.
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