The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!! (2008 TV Short)
13 July 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!! Is a TV special released on the 10th anniversary of The Powerpuff Girls and It is considered the series finale of The Powerpuff Girls.. and what a finally was it...

Let's just start by saying that I'm a huge HUGE fan of The Powerpuff Girls, I still go back to the original 4 seasons of the show and thank God the show still hold up to this day, Great humor, Great animation and with the clever direction Genndy and McCracken took, I think we can all agree that the original Powerpuff Girls was one of the best cartoon shows ever made!

So when The 2016 Reboot aired I was like most people.. DISAPPOINTED, Awful writing, Lazy animation, Very boring generic storylines, Everything feels off, Nobody act like they used to be in the original series, It was basically terrible.. Let's just not talk about it..

So when I was searching the Internet the other day and saw this 'The Powerpuff Girls Rule!!!', I was like 'Is this a lost pilot or what?' and when I knew it was the series finale, I was like 'Oh right, Did the orignal Powerpuff Girls had a series finale?' and I got so excited and watched it... and let me tell ya.. It did not disappoint :)

The short start with Mojo Jojo and his everyday shenanigans, You know trying to destroy the Powerpuff Girls and rule the world yadayadayada, They beat him, Send him to jail, Saved the day, and went home and everything is okey again... Until.. NEWS FLASH, The key of the world is coming to Townsville and every villan in town is going after it, Yeah.. A key that can open every door, every car, Basically it can open everything in the world.. Yeah and I quote the Professor "That's kinda dumb." and then we see all the classic villains breaking into people's houses and stores, Searching everywhere for that key, Until the Powerpuff Girls remember that the Mayor is the goofy idiot that he is and go to his office for the key, After a very fun and cool Mario Kart/Wacky Races-esque sequence, The Powerpuff Girls and Mojo arrive at the Mayor's office and when Mojo thought that finally he can actually win and rule the world, The Powerpuff Girls just take the key from him.. and Mojo just.. Gives up.. The guy just got bored, He spent years of his life trying and trying to defeat The Powerpuff Girls and he just keeps failing.. After that some shenanigans happened with the girls, They get greedy with the key, They wanna rule the world, They start fighting with the other villains for it and then.. We get to see.. One of the best scenes in The Powerpuff Girls history ever..

The sequence when Mojo Jojo packs his stuff and leave his villainous life behind his back is one of the coolest and most heartbreaking scenes in The Powerpuff Girls history ever, Especially when you know his backstory when he was an experiment monkey in the early days of the Professor and how he got ignored when The Powerpuff Girls came to be, It's really sad and the scene convey his emotions perfectly, His dead lifeless eyes, Him wearing his everyday clothes, His slow walk.. Him not caring about the wreaking havoc that is going on outside his house and the beautiful cover of Tears of the sun that Mojo sings, Such a great song choice too 'Everybody Can Rule The World' Get it ?, Gives the scene more weight, And the song.. Oh my god, It's so good, Roger Jackson didn't need to go this hard on this track, He did such a great job with the song, The vocals, The way he sings, The dread in his voice, It's ironically amazing and the whole sequence from start to finish, It's perfect, I know I'm kinda of over analyzing it but believe It's very good, Don't know how can someone make a scene very sad and very funny at the same time but somehow McCracken did it!

After the amazing song ends, Mojo returns to his evil self again and gets the key FINALLY, and then Mojo Jojo do the most vile thing a monkey could do AND THEN HE.. Stopped world wars, Cured all world diseases and made the world a better place!!? Oh.. I guess Mojo Jojo was a good guy after all... and NO, He got bored from being good and returned to his evil roots AGAIN and the girls beat him again and that's the end.. Yeah that's it, That's the ending and oh boy, do I love it, THERE IS NO REAL ENDING TO THE POWERPUFF GIRLS..

Remember that episode "Speed Demon" when the girls try to race each other to school and then they go through time and space itself and go to the future where they disappeared and HIM destroyed Townsville and enslaved all of it's citizens and killed The Mayor.. Yeah, That's depressing, The Powerpuff Girls can't stop protecting the world, It's just their duty in life and they can't really change that and I think this ending convey that perfectly..

Yeah, If you didn't notice already I really like this special and this ending in general, It's funny, great, well-animated and full of the charm that the original series used to have, Even though there are some things I didn't like like some of the characters being.. out of character, Like the Professor for example, He's usually.. You know the wise one, The father who always knows what to do but in this short, he's kinda childish (Not saying he's dumb or anything but a little bit childish), Same with HIM, Even though, It's just one scene when he make a stupid pun and then does a stupid face for some reason XD, But it didn't ruin the experience for me so that's okey I guess, And yeah this was great, Mojo stole the show honestly, His ark with giving up on his evil life and just leaving is so cool to see, We never got to see this side of Mojo in the original series so this was very cool to see, The ending is brilliant and funny too and this will always be the real ending to the Powerpuff Girls for me.. THE 2016 REBOOT DOES NOT EXIST.. Let's go over my points..

ANIMATION 9/10: Fun fact; This short uses flash animation which was certainly a very interesting choice to do but It's looks really good so I didn't mind it, It's fast-based, funny and expressive and It looks like the original series and that's a plus in my book.

VOICE ACTING 9/10: Should I even bother talking about how good the voice actors are, Come on those guys where voicing these characters for like 10 years or so and they are still great at it, Especially Roger Jackson, His 2 musical numbers are amazing and make you really sympathize with the character and his voice again convey that perfectly, Even though I have one complaint actually: All the characters talk very fast for some reason, I don't think It's the voice actors' fault, Again They did a phenomenal job, I think It's due to the very short running time, This short could have really used a longer running time, Like that Christmas special that was like 43 minutes long, But other than that the voice acting is superb.

STORY 10/10: Not to repeat myself too much, But yeah great storytelling, Fast-paced action, Funny joke after another, Cute and fun characters interactions, and yeah the ending is great and hilarious and the Mojo sequence is CINAMA.

REVIEW SUMMARY 10/10: This finale is very good.. Great jokes, Great writing, Fun songs and superb voice acting, Such a great way to end a legendary series, McCracken.. You my man, You did it, You did it again, You made the The Powerpuff Girls great again!

Let's just hope that the new live action CW show is as good as this...
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