I rarely give out 9's, but this show deserved it and then some
26 June 2021
Before I start this review, let me say that I was thinking VERY closely about whether to give this a 9 or a 10. I've only given a few shows ever a 10, and 9s are also pretty rare, so that should tell you how much I loved this show.

This is not the deepest show ever, nor is it the best made. It's not the funniest show ever, and it doesn't have the best drama. The thing that this show IS the best at is making me smile. Every week throughout the entire spring anime season, I saved Nagatoro for last out of the 12 shows I watched because I always like it the best, and you know what they say. (For those that don't know what they say, it's "save the best for last.") Every single episode of this show, from beginning to end, I was smiling basically the whole time! There are so many happy, funny, wholesome, cute, and entertaining moments it's hard not to like this show. Honestly I wasn't even going to give this show a try at all, because who wants to see a show about someone getting bullied for an entire season? But god, I'm glad I did.

No one in this entire show is stereotypical, and everyone is unique. Sure, everything still abides by anime laws, but goddamn if I didn't love every single person as a character. They all felt different and interesting in their own way! Senpai is an absolute chad, even though he's a wimp on the surface. I'm sure that's why Nagatoro likes him as well. And while Nagatoro seems like a bully on the surface, not so deep down she's just a kind of lonely, if not a bit lovesick, girl. She's your typical tsundere, but at the same time she's 1000 times better than any tsundere in any other show and you cannot debate me on this. This may be the one show that I don't really have a problem with the two live interests getting together, because they produce such funny and wholesome moments with their current dynamic. Especially towards the end, things get super wholesome and fun. The rest of Nagatoro's friends are fun too. I didn't think I would end up liking them, but they all have their own characters. In the end they aren't as likable as Senpai or Nagatoro, but they have their own special charms.

The art in this show is actually super nice. It has a distinct style, it's really colorful and detailed, and the animation is really well done (and at times hilarious.) It really gives off the impression that the animators had the time of their lives animating this show, and I love it!

The OP is absolutely FANTASTIC. I bought the song it after hearing it once, and the visuals are really, really cool. Hands down the best OP of the season, if not the past 10 years. The ED is fun visually too, and I liked the song for different reasons. The OST is really nice, it's not really in your face, but it just adds a lot to the atmosphere. Along those lines, but the little sound effects that were added make the show so much better! I don't know how to describe them, but they are really fun and funny. Superb.

In my opinion, every single episode in this show is better than the last. It starts at about an 8, and then by the end it's a 10 (especially the final after credits scene) which is why I'm giving it a 9. It's probably the best out of all the shows I've given a 9 too. In my opinion, an 8 is a show that you really, really enjoyed, a 9 is a phenomenal show that you absolutely loved, and a 10 is either a masterpiece with either nothing wrong with it, or just such an enjoyable show you can't help but give it the highest score possible. An example of a masterpiece 10 is violet evergarden and an enjoyable 10 is k-on. Honestly I have no doubt that if this series gets a full adaptation, or at least one with a concrete ending, i will give it a 10. You can check and see how many of the 120 (current) shows I have rated a 10/10. 4. 3 shows and a movie of 120. And Nagatoro will be one of them. Not this season, but I've heard that it only keeps getting better, so I have even higher hopes for next season. Season 2, will you please just come out already!?!!???! I need you right now!!!!!

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