Up Periscope (1959)
early days of Garner
8 June 2021
It's 1942. Submarine Commander Paul Stevenson (Edmond O'Brien) struggle with the life and death of war in the South Pacific. Meanwhile, Navy frogman Lieutenant Braden (James Garner) is having a romance in San Diego with Sally. It turns out that she had been accessing him in secret. With recommendation from her, he is given a secret mission on Stevenson's boat.

This is a solid submarine war movie. While Garner is leading man material, he isn't given enough room to be his charismatic self. It's the early days of his stardom. There is a real submarine and real plane work. Once the movie gets back on land, Garner is by himself and the mission needs to move faster. It's too much waiting and the flashback doesn't help. It's a lot of quietly skulking around. It's not the most exciting of thrills. This is interesting to see an early movie with Garner as the leading man.
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