Review of Germinal

Germinal (1993)
Just face political history on screen
3 June 2021
Very important and beautifully filmed movie about a coal mine strike in Northern France in XIXth century, adapted from realist literature masterpiece by Émile Zola. Cinematography and art direction are great and I really wish to watch it eventually on big screen one day. The usage of many extras and the camera moves also contribute to depict carefully that historic atmosphere. The script is able to contrast liberal narrative and factual social-political issue of deprivation and over-exploitation of labor. It deals very well with related political issues such as internationalism x nationalism, selfish individualism x class solidarity, multifaceted nature of violence, the diverse tactics to pursue a goal, class hatred towards elits or scorn for the poor, and commitment to the cause x bribery and ambition. Other issues are also very well worked, such as patriarchy/mysoginy and family structure in working class, and life in 1860 Europe. The only element bothered me a little was seeing Gérard Dépardieu portraying a character that represents just the opposite of what he publicly defends in real life; however, he is a good actor and it does not dumpen film outcome anyway.
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