Homura has always been the protagonist!
17 May 2021
While its predecessor had as main point the subversion of a genre, this subverts what had already been established by the anime. Focused on the character Homura, this film studies the psychological and personality of the character through symbolism and subliminal messages, while giving us a tragic continuation of the previous story that, although melancholic, reached a minimally happy ending.

The anime that had worked out mixed feelings in the midst of a chaotic situation is no different from this one, which decided to focus entirely on negative but natural feelings of most people, what is evident with this is what had already been shown in the background in the series, that Homura is the main character of Madoka Magica, everything that happened previously was only because of her actions, that is, Madoka was only capable of her achievements in the previous one because of this.

The film majestically works on selfishness and desire, that even in a world that was balanced and healthy there are still those who do not accept it, who can still suffer even with the guarantee of a "happy ending".

In addition to expanding the fantasy universe, he also masterfully studies the philosophy between good and bad, which when they are unbalanced are nothing more than pure chaos, Homura who until then had not noticed this "flaw" in Madoka's plan at the end of the anime , decides to take the lead, until he realizes that regardless of the fear of becoming a witch, he disappeared, that would not necessarily cease the negative feelings and apprehension that we feel daily, causing the character to take drastic measures in the face of the situation.

Rebellion is responsible for creating one of the greatest antagonists of anime, not because of its psychopathy and supposed malice, but because it is something so close to us and our actions that it makes us reflect; "What if I was in this situation? It would probably do worse! ".
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