A Great Cartoon For All Ages
7 May 2021
Superhero Kindergarten is one of the final ideas Stan Lee made before his death back in 2018, and it is a neat one. Five years ago, a battle with his arch nemesis causes Captain Fantastic (voiced by Arnold Schwarzenegger) to lose his powers, as particles of them fell on six babies who were at the park above the battle. Now, the captain, having lived the retired life, is hired to teach the six kids how to use their powers and become new superheroes, however, his arch-nemesis, Dr. Superior, has survived the battle, and is training four kids to become future supervillains bent on destroying the six future superheroes when they grow up.

So, yeah, this can be considered a pre-school show, but what got me hooked was the fact that it has a lot of references and inside jokes that would fly over the heads of the target audience but adults would get (some of the dialogue references superheroes from DC and Marvel, as well as inside jokes where the real Arnold actually exists and played Captain Fantastic in his movies). Also, an animated Stan Lee can be seen in this (although he is voiced by another actor due to premiering three years after the real Stan's death), and they are basically like the cameos he did in the MCU (with one episode having him parody J. Jonah Jameson in one scene). This is an awesome cartoon with something for everyone.
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