The Innocent (2021)
Solid Series
2 May 2021
Revisited the series and have to say, underwhelming the fourth time round. The first watch I was so engaged and fascinated with the pacing of the series, each episode giving the main characters their backstories. It was very different to see a story dependent on plot twists. But upon re-watching this, it all felt very lackluster, and too easy for the characters. Did this really need to be as long as it turned out? I think it could have gotten rid of the last two episodes, its peeling of layers for more story was so intriguing at the beginning because it was following an investigation which felt very natural. However, more and more would unravel and not everything was as it seemed but jeez Louise by the last episode there's been about 90 twists and it just wasn't entertaining anymore. To be honest, it grew tedious to focus on the show and I found myself bored. Still, even as I write these words, I consider this a solid series and possibly the best Harlan Coben adaptation Netflix has released. This was because it was dark and gritty, well-shot and performance driven, which I did enjoy. If the series were to have tightened up its runtime and eliminated the revenge angle at the end, I think I would have enjoyed the entire series.
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