Side Out (1990)
I agree with Latz66 for the volleyball part ... the movie was okay outside of that.
14 April 2021
Latz66 nailed the volleyball part in their review. It was ridiculous. I grew up playing on the beaches of NJ and even met my wife playing in the JSVBA in competitive 2x2 doubles. I started playing in high school, played in college and on the beach in tournaments until my 30s. I still play competitively today (at 53). I was 22 when this movie came out and thought, why not. Then I watched it and had to do a huge face palm when I saw the volleyball scenes. Seeing so many "bumps" over the net was laughable, the blatant carries on sets, the magical jumps by C. Thomas Howe way over the net...

The real volleyball players that were in this movie Randy Stoklos, Sinjin Smith, Steve Timmons (who won two gold medals in 84/88), Mike Dodd (who lost to Karch Kiraly and Kent Steffes (also in this movie) in the first ever Olympic Beach volleyball game), and many other real players ... was a nice touch to give a nod to what these guys really do but their acting was ... wow, just bad.

Karch Kiraly was the only guy not in this movie from that era and he is probably the best ever male beach volleyball player. He paved the way for the sport of beach volleyball that later Misty May and Kerri Walsh starred in.

Now to movie ...

C. Thomas Howe and Peter Horton? Really? At least C. Thomas Howe was in good shape but Howe was 5'10" and Horton 6'1". Not that they couldn't play at those heights but the real players in this movie were all around 6'4" or taller. They would have dominated these two but I'll give Hollywood a pass on this because the acting scenes by the real players were atrocious and they needed someone with Peter Horton's depth to pull off Zack Barnes.

As far as the story ... typical late 80's early 90's B level movie. Lots of bikinis to keep the boys interested and shirtless men to keep the girls interested. One review on here compares C. Thomas Howe to Jesus which I think it a bit of a HUGE stretch but it's your typical root for the underdog story with the typical Hollywood ending. If you have never played volleyball competitively the movie is fine to watch, if you have played, just bite your tongue and enjoy the scenery.
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