A Damm Fine Effort
11 April 2021
Sometimes indie films can be a little self indulgent and wayward but not so here. This is an assured and confident piece of work from a first time feature director and I will be looking out for more of his work.

Essentially a one set multi player piece held together by some taut direction and solid performances by Dale & Mulkey in particular, which doesn't try to be too clever.

The opening scenes place us in an unfolding story without exposition and treats the audience as intelligent beings who will follow along and listen and learn - great🙂 The plot has a couple of twists but nothing unreal and the denouement is tragic and moving. As a commentary on the place America currently finds itself in, particularly after the January events in the capital, it is apt and believable.

At 90 something minutes this well worth the investment, give it a go.
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