The X-Files: Revelations (1995)
Season 3, Episode 11
Surprisingly Decent Episode
11 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
Minorish spoilers.

I get that any episodes with religious themes probably get voted down, but I would definitely put this episode above some of the forgettable, mediocre episodes that have a similar rating.

The best part of the story by far is the role reversal of Mulder and Scully, with Scully taking on the role of the believer and Mulder the sceptic. It's a nice dichotomy that has barely been explored in the show so far. While it can't stand up to an incredible episode like 'Beyond the Sea', it benefits greatly from focussing on Scully's character.

In particular, focussing more on her spiritual side, which has rarely been explored thus far in the show. You see Scully struggle to reconcile her scientific beliefs with her Catholic faith. And it places her in a very vulnerable, emotional position, which is rare to see in the show. Usually Scully is the unflappable, tough-as-nails one.

It also shows off an interesting dynamic in relationship with Mulder. Mulder is comfortable being cross-questioned on his beliefs by Scully. But Scully is very uncomfortable opening up in a similar manner and her faith in her convictions is easily hurt by Mulder's disbelief. We see a side of her that is a lot more fragile and unsure.

As for the story, it has its ups and downs. There are a few fun sequences. Other parts are sloppy. Some of the reveals were not set-up well. But all the scenes focussing on Scully's character are really what are worth watching.
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