"From now on call me Robin Hood."
10 April 2021
An ex-gangster (Raft), now a florist, is hired by a federal agent to go undercover and keep tabs on Nina Foch, and after a nifty set-up, Nina takes him to an island where her crime lord husband (Macready), who enjoys hunting humans for sport, playing with his bow and arrow, revelling in the comforts of his room regaled with trophies, and relaxes to classical music, reigns supreme. Cautiously he integrates Raft into his crime ring, and Raft has the tenuous task to get enough info to get Macready arrested.

One of my fave Raft thrillers, Johnny Allegro goes at a nippy pace, is thoroughly engaging, and the ending -a la the most Dangerous Game - is a tense one. Stone-faced tough guy Raft is his usual reliable self, delivering wry quips, countering Macready's sanctimonious and snobby commentary. But Macready, a scene stealer as the bow and arrow-toting villain, has some good lines ("But your type never changes. Just looking at you makes one think of alley fighting, tommy guns."). Just love his voice, has enough menace to shame a rattler. The beautiful Nina Foch is very good as his wife. Highly enjoyable Raft thriller.
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