Seaspiracy (2021)
Good Intentions but very skewed.
4 April 2021
Warning: Spoilers
The makers heart is in the right place. Ali is a bigger shock jock than Howard Stern. Ali is on his way to Michael Moore status by using fear and extremism to make a point.

The point of the film, we as humans need to understand we are ruining the seas, mostly because of over fishing due to severe over population. Bill Burr is right after all ( I will leave it at that)

The main point of the film is the oceans will be vacant seas of nothingness by 2048, this is based on a report done in 2006/2008 that was eventually reconsidered in 2009 and to be found inaccurate, this doesn't stop Ali from scaring every numerous celebrities.

Ali also claims that 46% of the plastic in the pacific garbage dump is from the fishing industry (fishing nets), however at the end of his comments the viewer is completely confused on the facts of what makes up all of the oceans plastic content, and we humans are given a weird reprieve of the plastic problem we have created. It is all the fault of the darn fishing industry and we can fix it if we stop eating fish. Tell that to the billions who live around the pacific and their primary food source to exist are fish (and other ocean creatures).

If you google or watch some YouTube most marine biologists claim 80% of the oceans plastic content is from man, 10% is from fishing industry, not 46%. There is actually such a thing as sustainable fishing, and feel for the editing power of film to make people look like idiots (the many interviews he does).

Ali uses hyperbole to sell his film and while the message of the film is from the heart there is a middle ground we can reach.
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