Star Trek: The City on the Edge of Forever (1967)
Season 1, Episode 28
The only trouble with tribbles is that they are not as good as this episode!
3 April 2021
I haven't seen this episode lately, but it was well acted, written, and directed. Probably the best episode of the entire series.

McCoy is made delusional when he accidentally injects himself with a dangerous drug. He beams himself down to the planet the Enterprise is orbitting and then jumps through a time travel device on said planet. Now Kirk and Spock are on the planet at the time McCoy enters the time travel machine, and suddenly they can no longer communicate with the Enterprise. Somewhere in time, McCoy has managed to alter the events of history such that the Enterprise no longer exists.

Thus Spock and Kirk go through the time travel device to the same place that McCoy did, which is 1930 Depression era New York City. Edith Keeler (Joan Collins) is a woman who runs a mission there, and she gives them shelter and odd jobs to support themselves while Spock tries to determine what universe altering event McCoy has been a part of, and while Kirk and Keeler fall in love.

For all of the Fox films Joan Collins laid waste to in the 1950s, she is marvelous here as Keeler. She is authentic and you can see why Kirk would have fallen in love with her. Not an inkling of the cheesiness and overacting that made her so bad in the 50s or so good on Dynasty. And it makes you realize that history can turn on such small things.

It took ten months to write this script, and that effort shows. Even if you are not a big fan of Star Trek, if you know something of the nature of the main characters, I really do recommend this one.
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