Hunter at his most lethal
30 March 2021
Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb shows us a different side of Hunter that some viewers may not be aware of if they came from the Terry Gilliam film "Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas" (which is also a fantastic film in its own right). Instead, the documentary focuses on Hunter during his run for Sheriff of Aspen in 1970, and by god does it deliver. This film lets the audience know just how relevant Hunter's run for sheriff has become for today's society. Today, two sides of the political spectrum are at war: the radical right and the radical left. They fight with each other with no end in sight. Hunter instead runs on the "Freak Ticket", not declaring allegiance to any party. He also speaks against the police abusing their power, and instead offers a chance for the police to coexist with the people. After watching Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb, I fully believe that the power of Freak must speak to the world once more.
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