The Shivering Truth (2018–2020)
Like being the Designated Driver on New Year's Eve
28 March 2021
I watched the pilot, gave it a solid "Meh." It wasn't great but hey, it only took about 10 minutes of my time, so no big deal. 2nd, 3rd and 5th episodes, (Skipped one.), were, I'm sorry, just tedious. They and the first episode, were occasionally unsettling but never particularly 'Shivery'. Nor were they particularly insightful. Or funny. THIS is another one of those "Not for everyone." Things. Some will love it, Some will hate it. Some will be non-plussed by it. I strongly recommend mood-altering substances be applied liberally prior to ingesting this rather odd and off-putting assemblage of the uncanny valley.

To those, like myself, who don't particularly care for this, THIS is what it feels like to be out with friends and they're all partying their a**es off and YOU'RE the designated driver. End of the night, they're relaxing, just talking. Really pondering the universe. Next day, they want to reminisce about what a great talk we had and I have to tell them it was mostly mumbly gibberish, shouting over each other, gleefully giggling about things not said and for the most part, their merely having imagined that something profound was spoken of, when it wasn't.

Just not for me. I don't care for the art style, the attempt to be thought-provoking and creepy seem like fails on both counts. The creators tried for both and failed at both. Some segments were shallow, barely explored and others went on beyond any point, like a bad SNL Sketch that went on a bit too long. In almost all cases, reaching a conclusion that could, for the most part, only be labeled 'disappointing' for me.

All that being said, give it a look, it IS different and ONLY about 11 minutes. Some of you will like its peculiar strangeness. Michelle Provencher.
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