The Message (1976)
Great Movie
21 March 2021
Warning: Spoilers
To begin with, I understand from the title that Muhammad is the person who recerives message from God, and then spread it to other people, so he is the messenger. The content of the message is that everyone should become believers of Islam for their salvation. The message is regarded as a prophet, so it makes Muhammad foreteller. In the beginning, Muhammad saw an angel on the mountain who keeps commanding him to read because God is teaching him what he doesn't know. Then, this angel Gabriel said to him that he is the messenger of God who told him that if people don't start to believe in Islam, the world will vanish in the future. Because Muhammad can't read or write, after receiving the message, he asked people who can write to write it down. The message is quran. These words are God's words. Because this situation is quite new in Mecca, most people don't believe Muhammad, they thought these ideas are dangerous. They believe that there is a difference between a slave and a master. Also, it is a custom to bury newborn girls. In general, people think that Islam will only bring anachy. Further, the Islam creed is very positive but against what people in Mecca believe. It believes that there is only one God. It believes that all men are equal. Women should also have rights of inheritance. So Jews and Christians have equal rights as Muslims. It emphasizes that no man should starve, the rich should not defraud the poor, the strong should not oppress the weak, girls should not be forced to marry but are able to choose or refuse. It also emphasizes the custom to bury newborn girls is wrong. As a result, especially slaves and women want other people to believe that these traditions and beliefs are wrong. So slaves showed up and fighted their masters. Then, Hamsa, Muhammad's uncle, also came and helped these slaves. He was on the Muhammad's side. But the masters couldn't let this happen, so they started to attack those weaker ones. Many slaves were harmed and even killed. People tend to believe in Islam because it promises good people heaven. So followers of Muhammad are more courageous to fight back. Even if they die, they will go to heaven. However, the prophet said that they must leave Mecca. So they crossed the desert and left. People then informed Abby -lion of Judah - about this fight. Followers of Muhammad, mostly slaves, are regarded as rebels in religion. They said that for many years, they worshipped wood and stone and lived in ignorance of God, there were no heavenly laws. They believe in God, but Muhammad is only a man. For three years, followers of Islam suffered from hunger and cruelty of the desert. Abu talib, Muhammad's old protector, still tried to persuade others to believe in Islam before he died. People who are against him tried to kill him. But one person thought that his body contained too much, including his mind and his words. Because of untrackable routes and heat in June, people can't find Muhammad. Eventually, he turned out to be a man who cannot be killed. People in Medina believed Muhammad and asked him to bring his followers there. They welcomed him very passionately. Everyone wanted him to live in their house. Later, they let the camel decide where they will build a house for him. So they planned to build the first mosque of Islam where the camel stopped. Then people began to pray in the mosque. When the leader of Medina heard that people in Mecca took what were theirs, they fought back. So there was a war between people in Medina and people in Mecca. There are no different races in Islam, there is no one ethinicity superior than another. They all return equally to God. If one doesn't desire for his neighbour that he desires for himself, he is a man without faith. All muslims should learn to read, and then teach others. They should respect followers of other religions. In the end, Muhammad didn't take revenge. He declared Mecca a holy place. No one can shed blood. No one can cut a tree. No one can kill living things. Later, all arabians were converted to muslims, to the new worship, new laws, new manners, and new attitudes. The prophet finally became true. However, Muhammad will die very soon. For the last time, he declared the message of God that the weak should not be abandoned, people should be equal among themselves, people will take responsibility for their actions, all muslims are brothers. He left the book that was revealed by God to all muslims - the quran. It should be the guidance and light of all muslims. The words are not Muhammad's words but God's words.
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