Endearing tale, beautifully crafted, playful and melancholic. Only let down is a lack of genuine actor's chemistry.
14 March 2021
The good: Beautifully photographed. Nicely scored soundtrack. Surprising plot. Good acting. Warmhearted direction.

Anything bad?: this is a lovely movie, but it is a bit lacking in actor's chemistry: it could have been a more gripping (or dramatic) movie, IF there had been 2 different (more charismatic) actor's in the leading roles. This is just a minor criticism though...

The story: a wonderfully, playful (and also melancholic) tale about the life of an ex-soldier after world war I, who got half his face blown off at the battlefield. How does he cope with life now he can barely speak and has to live behind a face covering mask, in isolation?
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