'Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb' shows Hunter S. Thompson as he's needed to be seen
13 March 2021
Hunter S. Thompson sees politics as a way to fabricate a country to come together and create substantial reasoning to the people. He sees how the law enforcement is treating individuals who perceive the left party as the only way to function, knowing they shouldn't be treated with such revulsion, but to be understanding with them. Thompson knows that to be a good politician, he has to make sacrifices for and from the people or else everything will fall apart in its place. He brings into his campaign a new sense of hope for human kind either then or into the future, leaving his influential power even after his death. This documentary shows how he divides and conquers the face he desires to portray, he doesn't plan to ignore what the country is in need for. He gets what is happening and is pushing through it, as every politician should be doing when faced with such a contradicting situation. He gained ascendancy over the people rapidly, creating a real environment for anybody who would like to listen, not something so far above our heads to achieve. This documentary will always hold such great power for the audience and the makers. Freak Power: The Ballot or the Bomb is a must see.
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