No Surprise But Watchable
1 March 2021
Partly created by Briton Kate (Shaun of The Dead) Ashfield but transferred to Finland, a twisty piece of fluff. Twelve years after a child is killed, the extended family are targeted by someone they believe to be the person held responsible. Half the series drip-feeds the history, the other half covers the repercussions. There are storytelling absurdities - a young couple who think it is acceptable to take a child from a hotel without seeking permission from the parents - but suspension of disbelief leads to a fun story. After the first two episodes I sought out the other four via on-demand services rather than wait.

Perhaps the series is unfairly lumped in with Scandi-noir, which it is not. The story is basic and allows us to stay a step ahead of the plotting at all times. The ending should be a surprise to nobody but it is still fun getting there. Only the most inexperienced watcher will be caught out by the twists, and I found myself adding others that weren't there, but the innocent characters are likeable and we want them to survive. Even the final resolution is largely satisfactory.

The show is not going to change the world but it helps pass the time and should offend nobody.
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